2016 Public Speaking Contest Results

The Cass County 4-H Speech Contest was held Monday, March 28, at the Cass County Extension Office Meeting Room.  Six youth participated in the event sponsored by the Cass County 4-H Council.  All participants received a $1 gold coin, 4-H cup, and award ribbon.  Grand Champion winners received trophies.

Speeches in the 4-H Public Speaking Division must be original material related to the youth’s 4-H experience.  4-H Public Speaking Junior Division participants (ages 8-10) were Emma Cordray (Purple - Grand Champion) and Abigail Masonbrink (blue); Intermediate Division participant (ages 11-13) was Elijah Bolin (Purple - Grand Champion); Senior Division participant (ages 14-18) was Morgan Jennings (Blue).

Speeches in the Cass County Division focus on any topic, including a poetry or story reading.  Cass County Clover Kid Division participant (ages 5-7) was Mollie Lambert.  Mollie received a Clover Kid ribbon.

Entries in the PSA (Public Service Announcement) must be original work of the presenter and 60 seconds in length. This year’s state theme is “4-H Grows Confidence”.  PSA entries were Abigail Masonbrink (Purple - Grand Champion), Morgan Jennings (Blue), and Mary DeGraff (Red). 

Qualifying for the regional division competition in the 4-H Public Specking Division were Elijah Bolin and Emma Cordray; qualifying for the regional division PSA was Abigail Masonbrink.  The regional competition will be held May 19th on UNL’s East Campus.  Regional contest winners can advance to statewide competition held during the Nebraska State Fair.

Cass County Public Speaking Contest Participants:  Mollie Lambert, Abigail Masonbrink, Emma Cordray, Elijah Bolin, Morgan Jennings and Mary DeGraff.